Programs of Choice


French Immersion Preschool Poster

Overview of Preschool programming

Learn a second language through fun, exploration and discovery. Our gentle-approach to language acquisition, offered in the school setting of École Montrose is the perfect opportunity for your 3 and 4-year-old to learn and grow.  Staff are fully bilingual and ready to support your child’s development. Students in this program have access to all school facilities. 

While in our program, a bilingual early childhood educator will guide students through opportunities for exploration, play, discussion, risk taking, and decision-making. Early literacy and numeracy skills along with basic French vocabulary are taught through whole group and small group instruction.  

Our preschool program is for children 3 to 4 years old. Children must be 3 years old by September 1st of the year of enrollment and must have self-sufficient toileting skills.  

As part of our program, your child will: 

  • Develop his/her French Language through instruction in the language and culture. 
  • Learn through opportunities for exploration, play, discussion, risk taking, problem solving and decision-making along with small group instruction lead by an early childhood educator. 
  • Develop academic, physical, emotional and social skills. We educate the whole child.  
  •  Learn early literacy and numeracy skills along with basic French vocabulary through whole group and small group instruction. 

We currently have two sections to choose from:

Monday/Wednesday Mornings: 8:10 am- 11:10 am

Tuesday/Thursday Mornings: 8:10 am- 11:10 am

*Note: Our preschool program does have a maximum number of spots available. Register early to save your spot! Once all classes are full, students will be placed on a waitlist. 

Each of our programs provides the same number of instructional hours over the course of the year. 

Cost: Preschool fees are $200/month. (*Subject to change for the 2025-2026 school year) Pre-authorized debit forms (processed on the first of every month. Sept-June) must be filled out at the same time of registration.

Child Care

A Bright Beginnings Child Care Centre offers before and after school care for preschool aged (Must be 4 by Dec. 31st) students registered at École Montrose. Our Programs | A Bright Beginning Child Care Centre



Poster for Kindergarten at Montrose

About our program:

Our school offers a French Immersion (FI) Kindergarten program. Parents can choose a section (time of the week) that fits their needs. Students must be 5 years old by December 31st of the enrolling school year to register in Kindergarten. No exceptions. 

What is Kindergarten French Immersion?

French Immersion is a successful approach to second language learning due to its unique learning environment where French is used as the language of instruction for all subjects. Students learn French in a safe and play based environment. Vocabulary is introduced to students in a meaningful way and students get to interact with the language and learn in French. Students learn the same curriculum as their peers in English schools, however the concepts are taught in French.

Programs offered

Afternoon Program: No monthly fees

Students attend 5 afternoons per week: 12:24 pm - 3:07 pm

2 Full day programs: No monthly fees

Students attend either Monday/Wednesday or Tuesday/Thursday from 8:20 am - 3:07 pm. Students also have school on alternating Fridays. A calendar will be provided before the start of the school year.

Each of our kindergarten programs provide students with the same number of instructional hours in the year as outlined by Alberta Education.

KinderPAL-Tuition base program: $350 monthly 

KinderPAL is an early learning program of choice for kindergarten-age students, located in select GPPSD schools.  The program provides a full school day learning experience where a child has regular kindergarten programming for half of their time and the other half is the KinderPAL experience; play and learn. 

Before and After school care

Child care is offered on site by A Bright Beginning Child Care Center. They offer before & after school and out of school care.  Please visit Our Programs | A Bright Beginning Child Care Centre

Do students and their parents need to know French to enter FI?

Students and families DO NOT need to know French to enter this program. Communication with families is done in English and our bilingual staff are able to provide families with ideas on how to support their children in a second language. 

 For more information on registration visit here


KinderPal Logo and Motto

KinderPAL is an early learning Program of Choice for kindergarten-age students in GPPSD schools. The Play and Learn experience is programming in a classroom setting where students experience peer-based play as they continue developing and growing their knowledge. 

Students will experience full school day learning with kindergarten programming for half their time, and the other half is KinderPAL. It follows the school’s full-day bell schedule and calendar. A certified teacher provides kindergarten curriculum instruction, and a KinderPAL Instructor provides KinderPAL programming.  

See more information about KinderPAL by visiting the Grande Prairie Public School Division site.
Learn More



To register, indicate in the New Student Registration Form on page 2 under Programs of Choice, that you want your child registered for KinderPAL. Mid-year registrations may be accepted, check with the school.

Late Entry French Immersion

Ecole Montrose brochure

Late Entry French Immersion (LEFI)- A great opportunity for your soon to be grade 5 student!

Late Entry French Immersion provides students who missed entering in French Immersion in Kindergarten or grade 1 the opportunity to access it in grade 5. It is designed to introduce and develop French Language skills with students who have little to no previous French language experience. Students entering grade 5 are able to apply to enter the program. Once in the program, students continue as a LEFI cohort together until they are fully integrated with Early Immersion students in grade 8.

As space in the program is limited, we take registrations in order and may interview students prior to enrolling them. Students should have demonstrated a desire to learn a second language and a motivation to do so. 

After you have completed the online registration you will be contacted to schedule an interview. To view the online registration go here


The Academy Grande Prairie

The Academy logo

Follow Your Passion. Drive Your Education.

A passion for sports can positively drive a passion for education and character development. That is why we developed The Academy Grande Prairie.

This Program of Choice integrates excellence in education, athletics, and positive character development in every day of our student-athletes' educational experience. 

Come join us! See what passion-driven education can do for you.


The Academy Grande Prairie is offered out of eight schools across the Grande Prairie Public School Division. Our main campus is at Alexander Forbes School – The Academy School. 

Students in École Montrose are able to register for Academy Programs without leaving their school.

The Academy has two main branches: Skills Academy (Hockey and Golf) and Academy Athletics (multi-sport). Students are École Montrose are able to access either Academy Skills or the Academy Athletics programs. 

Program offerings are dependent on meeting minimum enrollment numbers.

For more information on The Academy see the GPPSD website 

The Academy Programming


Connect with us

Office Hours: Monday to Thursday, 8 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Address: 7240 Poplar Drive, Grande Prairie, AB,  T8V 5A6

Phone: 780-532-1365
Fax: 780-539-9345



To register, indicate in the New Student Registration Form on page 2 under Programs of Choice, that you want your child registered for The Academy. An Academy Application form must also be completed.

Mid-year registrations may be accepted, check with the school.

Registration Information

Music Program Grades 5-8

Music Program Website banner

The Grande Prairie Public School Division recognizes the importance of music education as a part of an innovative academic experience for students. As per Alberta Education Curriculum, all schools in the Division provide Elementary classroom music. 

GPPSD's Music Grades 5-8 is a Program of Choice offering students the opportunity for enhanced music programming.

Music Grades 5-8

Guiding statement: The Program provides students the opportunity to be part of an inclusive and vibrant community where each student is supported through quality programming which inspires curiosity, increases confidence, embraces creativity, and develops a sense of personal achievement. Our music program creates a community rich with diversity and collaboration which encourages lifelong learning.

This Program can help prepare students for success in High School Arts Programming which includes Orchestra, Band and Musical Theatre.

Elements of the Program

  • Participation in a culture of music that embraces curiosity
  • Enhancing school experiences
  • Preparing student to be lifelong learners
  • Exploration of music from different cultures
  • Connecting with professionals
  • Collaborating with community partners
  • Exposure to multiple instruments
  • Providing exposure to and awareness of music-oriented careers

What Students can Expect

This Program of Choice is best suited for students who demonstrate an interest in music and are willing to participate in a collaborative learning environment. Students can expect the following:

  • Have a music specialist leading instruction
  • Play and create music
  • Will develop/deepen their respect for music
  • Engage in experiences with different sounds and types of music
  • Participate in various musical experiences
  • Learn to take risks and persevere
  • Make connections between music and their lives

GPPSD Schools Offering Music Grades 5-8

Music Grades 5-8 is offered as a Program of Choice at:

  • Aspen Grove School
  • Derek Taylor Public School
  • École Montrose
  • I.V. Macklin Public School
  • Roy Bickell Public School

If your neighbourhood boundary school does not offer this Program, families can apply to be enrolled full time at one of the designated Program of Choice schools. Students can only be enrolled in one school in the Division. 



Families enrolling in the Music Program Grades 5-8 will be responsible for transportation.  

Program Fees

There are no Program of Choices fees for this new opportunity; however, there may be options fees and music instrument rental fees.


See our Music Program Gr 5-8 Registration page 


Student Testimonials