Parent-Teacher Interviews are just around the corner! These meetings are a great opportunity to connect, celebrate your child’s progress, and discuss their learning journey. This year, we’re introducing a new report card for Kindergarten to Grade 6, and a helpful parent guide is available to support your understanding. Interviews will take place on December 4th and 5th, and you can find both the interview sign-up and the parent guide at the links below.
PreSchool and Kindergarten
Preschool and KinderPAL - Mme Bethany - PTC Link
Kindergarten - Mme Melanie - PTC Link
Kindergarten - Mme Monique - PTC Link
Grade 1
Grade 1 Mme Beausoleil - PTC Link
Grade 1 - Mme Annie - PTC Link
Grade 2
Grade 2 - Mme Marise - PTC Link
Grade 3
Grade 3 - Mme Lizanne - PTC Link
Grade 3 - Mme Michaud- PTC Link
Grade 4
Grade 4 - Mme Janice - PTC Link
Grade 5
Grade 5 - Mme Carolyn - PTC Link
Grade 5 - Mme Natalie - PTC Link
Grade 5 LEFI - Mme Fournier - PTC Link
Grade 6
Grade 6 - Mme Jessica - PTC Link
Grade 6 LEFI - Mme Diane- PTC Link
Junior High
Grade 7 - Mme Piepgrass - PTC Link
Grade 7 - Mrs Wilson - PTC Link
Grade 8 - M. Emmanuel - PTC Link
Grade 8 - Mme Martell - PTC Link
Grade 8 - Mme Keegan - PTC Link (Thursday Only)
Learning Support Teachers
Grade K-4 - Mme Monique - PTC Link
Grade 5-8 - Mrs. Wilson - PTC Link
Physical Education
Mrs. Penner - PTC Link (Thursday Only - Modified Hours)
Shop Class
Kellie Hobbs - By Appointment - Please Contact as she teaches at Five different schools.
Admin will be meeting as part of a number of parent teacher interviews and will also be present in the school and hallways during the duration of the evening. If you would like to meet with an administrator, please reach out to the school at 780-532-8861 to set up a meeting directly.
M. Pepper - Extension 2401
Mme Stephanie- Extension 2402
Mme Lynne - Extension 2403